RAU granted special access to ERAU to protect the rights of lawyers


RAU granted special access to ERAU to protect the rights of lawyers

The Committee for the Protection of Lawyers' Rights and Guarantees of Lawyers' Activity of NAAU will have special access to the personal data of lawyers at ERAU.

This decision was adopted by the Bar Council of Ukraine at its online meeting on August 22, 2022.

Volodymyr Klochkov, the Chairman of the Committee for the Protection of Lawyers' Rights and Guarantees of Advocacy of the NAAU, made a proposal to open access to personal data about lawyers at the ERAU, namely phone numbers.

He justified the need to have access to the contact details of lawyers by the fact that, according to the decision of the RAU of January 28, 2022, the Committee must ensure the presence of representatives of its Committee in case of searches or inspections of the homes of lawyers. However, the members of the Committee do not have such an opportunity, because with the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russian troops in Ukraine, the personal data of lawyers, which are published in the profile of lawyers in ЕРАУ, became closed for public access during the period of martial law.

" We have a problem when members of our Committee come for a search, and there is no way to notify a lawyer about it – there are no phone numbers. We cannot open an apartment without the presence of a lawyer, because we do not understand what is a lawyer's secret and what is not. Therefore, I ask the members of the RAU to open their contact details for the opportunity to contact the lawyer and invite him to the place of the search, or at least to inform that this search will take place ", Volodymyr Klochkov addressed the members of the RAU.

As a reminder, from March 2, 2022, information on addresses, mobile phones, photos, and social networks posted in the Unified Register of Lawyers of Ukraine was closed for the purpose of protecting lawyers during the declared martial law.

At the last meeting of the RAU on August 1, 2022, the RAU renewed the display of part of the lawyer's data in the RUAU, namely the public display of information in the lawyer's profile about the suspension/discontinuation of legal practice, as well as information about the existence of disciplinary decisions against the lawyer.

Legal news of Ukraine