Payment of contributions

(!) Нагадуємо, що відповідно до рішення РАУ, адвокати, які не сплатили внески до 31 січня 2024 року, не матимуть можливості генерувати електронні ордери.

Pay on the official portal of the National Association of Lawyers of Ukraine

or create a receipt for payment

Payment period(Required)

Про щорічні внески на забезпечення реалізації адвокатського самоврядування

The annual contribution to ensure the implementation of self-government by lawyers is tied to the amount of the subsistence minimum for able-bodied persons, established as of January 1 of the corresponding calendar year.

Article 7 of the Law “On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2024” establishes that from January 1, 2024, the living wage for able-bodied persons is set at 3,028 hryvnias . Accordingly, it is in such a total amount that lawyers pay the contribution to ensure the implementation of the self-government of lawyers.

Taking into account the requirements of the Regulation on these contributions (ruling of the RAU dated 02.03.2017 No. 4), payment of the contribution is a professional duty of the lawyer.

It is necessary to fulfill this obligation by January 31, 2024 by transferring funds in two payments to the bank accounts of the self-government bodies of lawyers according to the following distribution:

  • 70% of the amount of the annual contribution – to the current account of the Bar Council of the Kyiv region;
  • 30% of the amount of the annual contribution – to the current account of the National Association of Advocates of Ukraine.

Thus, by January 31, 2024 , lawyers of the Kyiv region must pay 70% of this amount or UAH 2,119.60 to the account of the Regional Bar Council and 30% of the contribution, amounting to UAH 908.40 , to the account of the National Association of Lawyers of Ukraine.

We draw the attention of lawyers to the fact that payment must be made in two payments to different accounts!

The Bar Council of Ukraine established a list of categories of lawyers who may be exempted or have benefits for reducing or postponing the payment of the annual fee.

Benefits are provided for four categories of lawyers:

  1. persons with disabilities of groups I and II;
  2. persons with disabilities as a result of war, participants in hostilities (including persons who took part in hostilities on the territories of other states);
  3. persons who participated in liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chornobyl NPP of categories I and II;
  4. persons who are forced to leave or leave their place of residence as a result of or in order to avoid the negative consequences of an armed conflict, temporary occupation and have acquired the appropriate status.

Taking into account the distribution of payment of the contribution, established by Clause 2.2 of the Regulations, applications are submitted to:

  • regional bar councils – for 70% of the annual fee;
  • Council of Bars of Ukraine/National Association of Bars of Ukraine – for 30% of the annual fee.

Applications for exemption, reduction or postponement of payment of the annual fee for 2024 are submitted by lawyers by December 31 of the current year.

The annual contribution is considered paid from the moment the funds are received in the bank accounts of the self-governing bodies of lawyers. The obligation to pay the annual contribution to ensure the implementation of the self-government of the bar is not considered fulfilled by the lawyer, if it is not paid in full (except in cases of payment installments) or to the account of only one of the two bodies of the bar self-government: the regional bar council or the National Association of Bars of Ukraine.

The contribution can be paid through any banking institution in Ukraine. Квитанції можна буде згенерувати, перейшовши за по силанням

We would like to remind you that in paragraph 2 of part 2 of Article 58 of the Law of Ukraine “On Advocacy and Advocacy”, it is determined that the amount of annual contributions of lawyers to ensure the implementation of the self-government of lawyers is determined taking into account the need to cover the costs of ensuring the activities of regional bar councils, the Bar Council of Ukraine, the Higher of the audit commission of the bar and maintenance of the Unified Register of Lawyers of Ukraine and cannot exceed the subsistence minimum for able-bodied persons, established as of January 1 of the corresponding calendar year and is the same for all lawyers.

DEAR LAWYERS! Be careful when choosing a banking institution with which you will transfer funds for the payment of the annual fee. You can always follow this link which banks are liquidated, insolvent or under temporary administration.

Thus, when filling out receipts for the payment of annual contributions in 2024, the following amounts should be paid:

1) to the account of the Kyiv Region Bar Council:

– purpose of payment: 70% of the annual contribution of lawyer ______________ (full name) to ensure the implementation of lawyer self-government for the year 2024

– payment amount UAH 2,119.60


EDRPOU: 38536488

MFO of the bank: 351005

Current account (IBAN) UA503510050000026002433498800

Name of the bank: JSC “UkrSybbank”

The currency of the account is UAH

2) at the expense of the National Association of Lawyers of Ukraine

– purpose of payment: 30% of the annual contribution of lawyer ______________ (full name) to ensure the implementation of lawyer self-government for the year 2024

– payment amount UAH 908.40

The recipient of the payment is the National Association of Lawyers of Ukraine

MFO of the bank – 320984

Code according to the EDRPOU – 38488439

Name of the bank – JSC “ProCredit Bank”

Current account (IBAN)UA623209840000026009210281016

The currency of the account is UAH

Regarding the payment of contributions for past years, their order and conditions of payment remained unchanged.

For 14 days of December 2012, UAH 40.38 is paid. (the regulation on contributions was adopted on December 17, 2012);

For 2013 – UAH 1,147 (living wage as of January 1, 2013)

For 2014 – UAH 1,218. (living wage as of January 1, 2014)

For 2015 – UAH 1,218 (living wage as of January 1, 2015)

For 2016 – UAH 1,378 (living wage as of January 1, 2016)

For 2017 – UAH 1,600 (living wage as of January 1, 2017)

For 2018 – UAH 1,762 (living wage as of January 1, 2018)

For 2019 – UAH 1,921 (living wage as of January 1, 2019)

For 2020 – UAH 2,270 (living wage as of January 1, 2020)

For 2021 – UAH 2,270 (living wage as of January 1, 2021)

For 2022 – UAH 2,481 (living wage as of January 1, 2022)

For 2023 – UAH 2,684 (living wage as of January 1, 2023)


According to the REGULATION on the annual contributions of lawyers to ensure the implementation of the self-government of lawyers, the following responsibility for non-payment of contributions is established:

2.16. Violation by a lawyer of the order and terms of payment of annual lawyer’s fees is considered a failure to comply with the decision of the self-governing body of lawyers and, accordingly, is considered a disciplinary offense.

2.18. In the event that a lawyer violates the procedure for paying annual fees, as well as/or delays the terms of their payment established by this Regulation by more than three months, he shall be subject to a disciplinary penalty in the form of suspension of the right to practice law for a period of one month to one year.

2.19. For the purposes provided for by Chapter VI “Disciplinary liability of a lawyer” of the Law of Ukraine “On Advocacy and Advocacy”, by properly sending, notifying the lawyer of initiation of disciplinary proceedings on the grounds of violation of the payment procedure (non-payment, payment in full, late payment) of the annual fee for ensuring the implementation of attorney self-governance, its review and decision-making regarding the initiated disciplinary case is also sending such information to the attorney to the e-mail address specified in the ERA or posting the relevant information on the official website of the National Association of Attorneys of Ukraine.

2.20 If, after the expiration of the disciplinary penalty in the form of suspension of the right to practice law, the lawyer repeatedly violates the terms and/or the procedure for paying annual fees within one year, such a lawyer may be subject to a disciplinary penalty in the form of deprivation of the right to practice law with the following exclusion from the Unified Register of Advocates of Ukraine.

2.21. Bringing a lawyer to disciplinary responsibility for violating the order and payment terms of the annual fee for ensuring the implementation of the lawyer’s self-governance does not exempt him from paying such a fee.

2.22. As a result of the failure of the lawyer to pay the annual fee for the implementation of the self-governance of lawyers, which is the source of financing for the maintenance of the Unified Register of Lawyers of Ukraine, the information about him will become inactive and invisible to users of the official website of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences. Such a lawyer does not have the right to participate in the activities (work) of the self-government bodies of lawyers, due to the lack of data about him in the ERA.