Happy Lawyer’s Day!
Happy birthday to Svitlana Brin, head of the Audit Commission of the Bar Council of the Kyiv region
Happy birthday to Tetiana Movchan, head of the Secretariat of the Bar Council of the Kyiv region
We wish good health, prosperity, success in work, joy, luck, happiness, love. Let life beat the key, let people respect, and the house will be filled with warmth and coziness.
Happy birthday to lawyer Nina Chernobay!
Nina Borysivna Chernobay, a lawyer, a representative of the Kyiv region in the Higher Qualification and Disciplinary Commission of the Bar, is celebrating her birthday today.
Happy birthday to the head of KDKA Volodymyr Polishchuk
До уваги адвокатів Броварського району!
Dear colleagues! 5 квітня 2024 року о 14.00 в місті Бровари відбудеться зустріч адвокатів регіону з Головою Ради адвокатів Київської області Петром Бойком та Головою Кваліфікаційно-дисциплінарної комісії адвокатури Київської області Володимиром Поліщуком. В ході зустрічі голови РАКО та КДКА планують обговорити з колегами поточний план діяльності органів адвокатського самоврядування, дізнатись, вирішення яких проблем наразі турбує […]
Семінар «Матеріальне право v. процесуальне право: зацікавленість позивача при зверненні до суду з позовом про дострокове припинення дії свідоцтва на ТМ» (ВІДЕО)
15 березня 2024 року Рада адвокатів Київської області провела черговий семінар з підвищення кваліфікації адвокатів. На семінарі з доповіддю на тему “Матеріальне право v. процесуальне право: зацікавленість позивача при зверненні до суду з позовом про дострокове припинення дії свідоцтва на ТМ” виступила адвокат Падох Оксана, член Комітету інтелектуальної власності. Під час заходу були розкриті наступні […]
Finmonitoring: which documents are covered by guarantees of legal professional secrecy
Fulfilling the requirements of the Law on Financial Monitoring regarding the submission of reports and information to the Ministry of Justice, lawyers, ABs and AOs who are subjects of primary financial monitoring must also ensure the preservation of legal professional secrecy. What information is covered by guarantees? On this issue, the Bar Council of Ukraine […]
Compensation for damage caused by a criminal offense as a basis for applying exemption from serving a sentence with probation under Art. 75 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine – resolution of the Supreme Court
Compensation for damage caused by a criminal offense as a basis for applying exemption from serving a sentence with probation under Art. 75 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine must be established at the stage of judicial review of criminal proceedings, before the adoption of a verdict and the imposition of a punishment, or at […]
How to generate a warrant for a lawyer
In Ukraine, there is a single, mandatory for all lawyers, typical form of a warrant – a document certifying the authority of a lawyer to provide legal assistance. As a general rule, warrants are generated on the NAAU website or at the regional bar council. The form of warrants, as well as the uniform rules […]
The Supreme Administrative Court has determined who can initiate a dispute about the appeal of normative legal acts of local self-government bodies
A lawsuit to appeal the decision of the village council on approval of town planning documentation (general plan of the village), which has the characteristics of a normative legal act, can be filed both by persons to whom this decision was applied and by persons who are the subject of legal relations in which it […]
Law enforcement officers sabotage the investigation of crimes against lawyers, – NAAU
During 2023, 100 criminal proceedings were opened based on information about crimes against lawyers. However, none of them were brought to court with an indictment, and no suspect was announced to any person. And this may indicate unspoken sabotage by the prosecutor’s office and pre-trial investigation. This conclusion was reached by the NAAU Committee on […]
Violation of the deadline for the transfer to the prosecutor of the protocols on the conduct of secret investigative (search) actions does not cause their results to be recognized as inadmissible
July 18, 2023 The Supreme Court, by the panel of judges of the First Judicial Chamber of the Criminal Court of Cassation in case No. 192/1350/19, satisfied the cassation appeal of the prosecutor, who challenged the decisions of the courts, which declared the results of secret investigative (search) actions as inadmissible evidence. The verdict of […]
The time spent by a lawyer waiting for a court hearing is a component of legal aid, – the Supreme Court
If a lawyer has to wait for the judges to start considering his case in the Cassation Commercial Court of the Supreme Court, then he can hope that he will be paid for such a wait. The relevant position was expressed by the Cassation Economic Court of the Supreme Court in the additional resolution dated […]
The main criterion for reimbursement of the cost of the conducted examination is named
When deciding the distribution of court costs, the court does not take into account when the expert opinion was ordered and the expert’s opinion was obtained (before or after the plaintiff filed a claim with the court), but whether these costs are directly related to the consideration of the case. The Grand Chamber of the […]
The Committee for Veterans and Social Protection of Lawyers of the Kyiv Region Bar Council celebrated its 5th anniversary
On January 11, 2024, a solemn meeting of the Committee for Veterans and Social Protection of Lawyers of the Bar Council of the Kyiv Region was held at the Rus Hotel. After congratulatory words from the chairman of the Council Petro Boyk , the chairman of the KDKA of the Kyiv region Volodymyr Polishchuk , […]
Mediation: a fashion trend or an urgent need?
At present, the full-fledged implementation of mediation in Ukraine is an urgent topic. This is related to the possibility of settling disputes out of court and the need to relieve the courts in conditions of excessive stay of cases in court proceedings. The existence of the mediation institute is one of Ukraine’s ways to the […]
KVED for advocacy: what to specify
For the organization of reporting and taxation in Ukraine, there is a Classifier of types of economic activity. When starting a lawyer’s activity, during the registration of law offices and associations, you will have to decide on the correct areas of activity according to the KVED. The classifier systematizes the types of activities carried out […]
Lawyer’s fee: how much do lawyers pay abroad
In all countries, lawyers in one way or another pay contributions to ensure the implementation of lawyer self-government. Somewhere they are bigger, somewhere smaller. Sometimes it depends on the region or the lawyer’s experience. Some bar associations introduce the possibility of installments. General information about the payment of the lawyer’s fee in different countries was […]
Authorized capital of a lawyer’s office and a lawyer’s association: how much to determine?
When starting a lawyer’s office or lawyer’s association, in the decision on its creation and the statute, you must specify information about the size of the authorized capital. What amount should be specified? According to part 2 Art. 9 of the Law “On State Registration of Legal Entities, Individuals – Entrepreneurs and Public Organizations” The […]