Twice defenders. Both lawyers and soldiers bring Victory closer together – a meeting with representatives of the 114th OBrTrO was held in the Kyiv Region Bar Council


Twice defenders. Both lawyers and soldiers bring Victory closer together – a meeting with representatives of the 114th OBrTrO was held in the Kyiv Region Bar Council

"Each of us is a warrior." This phrase, put into circulation at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russian territory, has a very specific content – names and actions. Ukrainians of a wide variety of professions joined the defense of the Motherland: both through mobilization to the ranks of the Armed Forces and other power structures, and through initiatives in the rear. Lawyers are one of the professions that have become "military". Many lawyers of the Kyiv region have already joined the ranks of the Armed Forces, defending the country from the invaders. Others are actively engaged in volunteer activities, affirming the goal common to all – "Help, protect, defend Ukraine!".

This is exactly what was discussed on June 16, 2022 in the Kyiv Region Bar Council during a moving meeting with representatives of the 114th Separate Territorial Defense Brigade of the Kyiv Region. The fact is that the soldiers – lieutenant colonel Volodymyr Porvatov , press officer of the 114th brigade Dmytro Kulibaba and lawyer, and currently legal adviser of the 114th OBrTrO Viktor Kikkas – came to express their gratitude to the lawyers of the Kyiv region for the very timely assistance provided to the needs of the Terrodefense. 250,000 hryvnias were transferred from the Bar Council of the Kyiv region, and 200,000 hryvnias from the KDKA of the Kyiv region.

"Perhaps, these funds were not too significant, but they were definitely timely. Lawyers know better than anyone that an action taken on time is many times more effective than the best, but done in the wrong place and at the wrong time. Helping our soldiers, who were directly defending Kyiv region from the Russian occupation forces, is the least we could do," said Petro Boyko, head of the Bar Council of the Kyiv region.

In their turn, Volodymyr Porvatov and Dmytro Kulibaba, handing over their chevrons in memory of 114 OBrTrO, assured the members of RAKO and KDKA that the active civil position of the bar is also an important guarantee of the approach of our Victory.

The meeting took place in a warm atmosphere of mutual assistance and brotherhood. Lawyers and soldiers each shared their impressions of their work, discussed what still needed to be done.

However, the common thought that united everyone was the only one – to defeat the enemy as soon as possible, so let's keep in line and fight each on our front!

Legal news of Ukraine