A fine of up to UAH 1,700 for violation of consideration of a lawyer’s request


A fine of up to UAH 1,700 for violation of consideration of a lawyer’s request

The Committee on Law Enforcement Activities recommended that the Verkhovna Rada adopt as a basis the draft Law "On Amendments to the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses and the Law of Ukraine "On Advocacy and Advocacy" on Improving Liability for Violation of Consideration of a Lawyer's Request" No. 9356 .

In particular, changes to Art. 212-3 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses provides for an increase in the amount of fines for wrongful refusal to provide information on a lawyer's request and other violations of its consideration – from 50 to 100 NMDH (currently from 25 to 50 NDMH).

Changes to Art. 20, 24 of the Law of Ukraine "On Advocacy and Advocacy" proposed:

  • to expand the circle of subjects to whom a lawyer has the right to apply with a lawyer's request;
  • reduce the list of documents that must be attached to a lawyer's request;
  • to allow lawyers to receive from state bodies consultations and clarifications of legislation in response to a lawyer's request in cases where the provision of such consultations and clarifications in accordance with legislation belongs to the duty of such bodies;
  • to expand the list of information to which access is granted upon a lawyer's request;
  • to reduce the duration of the extended term for consideration of a lawyer's request from 20 to 15 working days.
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