All lawyers have to open offices in EUITS – the law has entered into force


All lawyers have to open offices in EUITS – the law has entered into force

Lawyers are required to register their electronic offices in the Unified Judicial Information and Telecommunication System (EUITS) or its separate subsystem (module), which ensures the exchange of documents. Corresponding changes are made to Art. 6 of the Code of Civil Procedure, Art. 14 of the Code of Civil Procedure and Art. 17 KAS.

On June 21, in connection with its official publication , the Law dated June 29, 2023 No. 3200-IX "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding Mandatory Registration and Use of Electronic Cabinets in the Unified Judicial Information and Telecommunication System or its Separate Subsystem ( modules), which ensures the exchange of documents".

This requirement also applies to notaries, public and private executors, arbitration administrators, judicial experts, state bodies, local self-government bodies and all other legal entities.

To a person who has registered an electronic account, the court delivers any documents in cases in which such a person participates exclusively in electronic form by sending them to the electronic account of such a person, which does not deprive him of the right to receive a copy of the court decision in paper form for a separate statement

Procedural consequences provided for by these codes, in the case of an appeal to the court with a document by a person who is obliged to register an electronic account, but has not registered it, will be applied by the court also in cases where the interests of such a person are represented in the case by a lawyer.

Law No. 3200-IX in this part shall enter into force 90 days after its publication. The requirements within the framework of the CPC and KAS in terms of mandatory registration by legal entities (private form of ownership) of electronic cabinets will be implemented in seven months.

Official electronic addresses that were registered before the entry into force of this Law are considered electronic offices and are used by the court, participants in the case according to the rules and in the order in effect after the entry into force of this Law.

As a reminder, an electronic cabinet is a personal cabinet (web service or other user interface) in the ECITS subsystem (module), through which a person who has passed electronic identification is granted access to information and services of the Unified Judicial Information and Telecommunication System or its separate subsystems (modules), including the possibility of exchanging (sending and receiving) documents (including procedural documents, written and electronic evidence, etc.) between the court and the participants in the legal process, as well as between the participants in the legal process. Electronic identification of a person is carried out using a qualified electronic signature or other means of electronic identification that make it possible to uniquely identify an individual.

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