Payment for services and reimbursement of expenses of lawyers provided by BVPD will be restored during wartime


Payment for services and reimbursement of expenses of lawyers provided by BVPD will be restored during wartime

Expenses for the services of lawyers who cooperate with the BPD system have received the status of protected budget expenses.

At the initiative of the Coordination Center for the provision of legal assistance, the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated April 9, 2022 No. 420 amended the Procedure for the exercise of powers by the State Treasury Service in a special regime under martial law.

Lawyers are important partners of the BPD system. The exclusive authority of lawyers who cooperate with the BPD system is the protection of persons in criminal proceedings. Also, lawyers who cooperate with the BPD system represent the interests of vulnerable segments of the population – the poor, participants in hostilities, IDPs and other persons defined by the law "On Free Legal Aid" in civil and administrative cases.

During the war, lawyers did not stop providing free secondary legal assistance to Ukrainians. Thanks to this, even in this difficult time, citizens of our country have the opportunity to resolve their legal issues.

Legal news of Ukraine