At the beginning of the meeting, the head of NAAU, RAU Lidia Izovitova called on lawyers to remain calm, and the heads of the self-government bodies of lawyers to provide support to regional communities and citizens who need professional legal assistance.
"We are not evacuating anywhere. We work on the ground and stay with our people. Today is difficult, worrying. I really ask that we keep calm. We understand that we have people whom we help and to whom we must provide legal assistance. We also have to protect our children, parents, take care of our children's own families, our parents' families," Lidia Izovitova emphasized.
She also drew attention to the fact that in a situation of martial law, it is necessary to use official information and rely on the actions of state institutions, which jointly determine political, military and diplomatic steps to protect Ukraine and the safety of citizens. "We must be careful not to harm the implementation of state policy by our authorities with a certain amount of noise," emphasized the Head of NAAU, RAU.
Deputy Chairman of NAAU, RAU Oleksiy Kukhar called on lawyers to support each other "no matter where they are and in what country they are."
RAU decided to create a single information center for lawyers, which would consolidate information about violations of their rights and provide accurate information about security risks. The functions of the committee are assigned to the Committee for the Protection of Lawyers' Rights and Guarantees of Lawyers' Activities of the NAAU. The telephone number of the hotline of the committee is 067 692 44 43, e-mail – zahistadvocat@gmail.com
It is recommended that similar information centers be created in the regions.
In addition, the Bar Council of Ukraine decided to recommend not to bring lawyers to disciplinary action during martial law.