RAU renewed the display of part of the lawyer’s data in ЕРАУ


RAU renewed the display of part of the lawyer’s data in ЕРАУ

In the Unified Register of Lawyers of Ukraine, the public display of information in the lawyer's profile about the suspension/termination of legal practice, as well as information about the existence of disciplinary decisions against the lawyer, has been restored.

The relevant decision was adopted by the Bar Council of Ukraine at a meeting on August 1, 2022 in Transcarpathia.

Information that was viewable prior to martial law, such as work address, phone number, and email, will remain private for the time being.

We would like to remind you that additional information on the profile of lawyers at ERAU is not displayed in public access based on the decision of ERAU from March 2022. The reasons for this decision were the martial law, during which the need to protect personal information about lawyers became more acute.

At the same time, there were no changes regarding the work of the lawyer's Personal online office and related services. The online order generation system also works as usual.

In order to obtain extracts from the UNBA and other official information from the Register, it is necessary to contact the bar councils of the regions or the Bar Council of Ukraine at the e-mail address info@unba.org.ua .

Legal news of Ukraine