Eternal memory of the hero! Lawyer Oleg Lebedev died in the battles for Bakhmut


Eternal memory of the hero! Lawyer Oleg Lebedev died in the battles for Bakhmut

Dear colleagues!

It is with sadness that we inform you about the heroic death on December 23, 2022 in the battles near Bakhmut of the lawyer, defender, soldier – chief sergeant of the 1st company of the 204th battalion of the Territorial Defense of the city of Kyiv, junior sergeant Oleg Viktorovich Lebedev .

Lawyer Oleg Lebedev volunteered in the 204th Separate Battalion of the Territorial Defense of the City of Kyiv (241st Brigade of the Territorial Defense of the City of Kyiv) in the first days of March after the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine, in March-April 2022 he participated in the defense of Kyiv in the Gostomel and Moschun districts , in July-September, he and his comrades were on a combat mission in Donbas.

On December 2, 2022, Oleg Viktorovych and his unit arrived in Bakhmut for another combat mission. From the very beginning, the unit got into the most difficult battles, where the positions of the Ukrainian troops were stormed by the Wagnerites. Lawyer Oleg Lebedev died in battle defending his family and his country, as a true commander, leader, fighter.

A true Ukrainian, family man, husband, father, friend, commander, colleague, human rights defender died with the death of Hero.

Oleg is an exemplary family man and, together with his wife Natalya, raised a daughter Sofia and a five-year-old son Danyla.

We ask our colleagues to honor the bright memory of Oleg Viktorovych, who for more than 20 years conscientiously and proudly carried the title of Ukrainian lawyer, stood on the guard of justice, law and truth.

Eternal memory of the hero!

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