Judicial control over investigative measures and covert investigative actions


Judicial control over investigative measures and covert investigative actions

The National School of Judges of Ukraine held a webinar for judges of the High Anti-Corruption Court "Actual issues of the participation of the investigating judge in the organization of preparation and implementation by authorized operative units of operational and investigative measures and covert investigative (detective) actions."

It was opened with welcoming speeches by the head of the judges' training department of the National School of Judges of Ukraine, Ivan Balaklytskyi, and acting chairman of the High Anti-Corruption Court, Oleg Pavlyshyn. As noted, the training event was organized in cooperation with the National Police of Ukraine and the National Academy of Internal Affairs, and the chosen topic is extremely relevant, as it deals with the solution of problematic issues of the ratio of operative-search measures and covert investigative (search) actions in the activities of law enforcement agencies and review by the courts of requests to conduct operational investigative measures and covert (investigative) actions.

Ivan Balaklytskyi thanked Oleh Pavlyshyn for supporting NSSU in conducting educational events for judges and ensuring a smooth educational process during the war. In particular, he emphasized that we need to prepare judges and employees of the judicial system to acquire the necessary skills, abilities and knowledge to administer justice, taking into account the peculiarities of the trial of war crimes. The National School of Judges of Ukraine has already paid a lot of attention to the training of the judicial corps on this subject and will continue to work actively in this direction. Ivan Balaklytskyi also presented the experts-speakers of the webinar who have theoretical and practical experience in the issues of the participation of the investigating judge in the organization of training and conduct by authorized operational units operative investigative measures and covert investigative (detective) actions. He also noted that the training event, which takes place in the conditions of military operations in Ukraine, is extremely important. The determination of the topic of the webinar was preceded by a series of meetings and discussions between the National School of Judges of Ukraine, the National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the National Police of Ukraine regarding the choice of the format of the current event.

The lecturers of the training event were invited professor of the department of operative and investigative activities of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, doctor of legal sciences Viktor Vasylynchuk and the first deputy head of the National Police of Ukraine, candidate of legal sciences Mykhailo Kuznetsov, who analyzed the problematic issues of the ratio of operative and investigative activities and undercover investigators (detective) actions in the activity of law enforcement agencies. Also useful for use in the practical activity of judges was the discussion of the issues of consideration by courts of requests for operational investigative measures and covert (investigative) actions.

We would like to add that during the training, the judges had the opportunity to participate in the discussion of webinar issues, exchange opinions, receive thorough answers to questions and practical advice.


Legal news of Ukraine