RAU has made changes to the Rules of Conduct of the ERA concerning lawyers working in the BPD system


RAU has made changes to the Rules of Conduct of the ERA concerning lawyers working in the BPD system

The Unified Register of Lawyers of Ukraine will display information about lawyers who are included in the register of lawyers for the provision of free secondary legal assistance.

The Bar Councils of the regions and the Bar Council of Ukraine will submit the specified information to the ЕРАУ at the request of the lawyers, at the address of their workplace.

Lawyers will also be able to submit such applications through their personal account.

Corresponding changes to the Rules of Conduct of ERAU were adopted by the Council of Bars of Ukraine at the meeting on November 4, 2022 with the aim of ensuring the rights of lawyers and guarantees of their activities at the initiative of Oksana Kadenko – member of ERAU and Chairman of the Committee on Free Legal Aid of NAAU.

The changes come into effect from the moment the RAU decision is published on the NAAU official website.

Legal news of Ukraine