The first offline meeting of the Committee for the Protection of Guarantees of Advocacy took place


The first offline meeting of the Committee for the Protection of Guarantees of Advocacy took place

On July 19, 2022, an extended meeting of the Committee for the Protection of Guarantees of Advocacy of the Kyiv Region Bar Council was held. Members of the Committee, Chairman of the Committee Leonid Sivakov , Chairman of the Committee for the Protection of Lawyers' Rights Andrii Hrubskyi , and Chairman of the KDKA of the Kyiv region Volodymyr Polishchuk took part in the discussion of urgent organizational issues.

During the meeting, the numerical composition of the committee was approved and two deputy chairmen of the Committee were elected – Andriy Domanskyi and Oleksandr Baidyk . Committee members were also informed that all of them will receive special passes for unhindered movement during the curfew.

Considerable attention was also paid to the question of extraterritoriality of the Committee's powers (the algorithm of actions of the Committee members was discussed, if during the investigative actions it turns out that they are acting not only against lawyers of Kyiv region, but also lawyers of other regions). In addition, it was decided to update (adapt) the methodological guidelines and the memo on how to act during searches, both for the lawyers themselves and for the members of the Committee.

At the end of the meeting, the order of duty and the procedure of determining "spare" duty members of the Committee, who should leave for investigative activities as quickly as possible, were discussed.

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