The SSC recommends simplifying the recognition of the qualifications of Ukrainian lawyers in Europe


The SSC recommends simplifying the recognition of the qualifications of Ukrainian lawyers in Europe

The Standing Committee of the Council of Legal and Bar Societies of Europe (CCBE) approved the CCBE Recommendations on Ukrainian lawyers . This document is a testimony of the high level of support of the Ukrainian legal profession and a recognition of its importance in upholding the rule of law in the world. The recommendations were jointly developed by the Committee on International Practice of CCBE and NAAU.

CCBE suggests legal and bar associations of EU member states to take the following measures when recognizing the qualifications of Ukrainian lawyers:

  • try to reduce the formality of the process of recognizing the professional qualifications of Ukrainian lawyers (for example, reduce/cancel the amount of annual contributions);
  • take into account that the National Association of Lawyers of Ukraine is the only professional organization of the legal profession operating in Ukraine;
  • publish clear, transparent and easily accessible information (also available online), if possible in the Ukrainian language, regarding the procedure for recognizing diplomas and professional qualifications in the relevant country, or clarifying the procedures for access to the profession, or allow activities in the field of legal services in accordance with the national legislation of this country;
  • to consider the possibility of recognizing functional qualifications for Ukrainian lawyers, which can be obtained on the basis of existing Ukrainian qualifications or with the help of simplified training courses in a language accessible to interested persons;
  • strengthen cooperation between EU bar and legal societies, as well as between the latter and NAAU, including its representations abroad, including through regular exchange of information and best practices.
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