The Supreme Court has published an overview of the practice on the resolution of disputes related to the circulation of securities


The Supreme Court has published an overview of the practice on the resolution of disputes related to the circulation of securities

The Commercial Court of Cassation as part of the Supreme Court has published an overview of the practice of resolving disputes related to the circulation of securities and the realization of rights evidenced by securities.

The review contains the legal positions of commercial courts for 2021.

The study contains the following sections:

  • subdepartment of affairs;
  • choosing a method of protection;
  • provision of a claim;
  • disputes related to the purchase and sale of securities;
  • protection of rights arising from shares;
  • disputes related to the circulation of promissory notes;
  • bonds

Review based on the results of the study of the judicial practice of resolving disputes related to the circulation of securities and the realization of rights confirmed by securities

Also read the overview of the practice of the Supreme Court's application of the rules on subsidiary liability in bankruptcy cases

Legal news of Ukraine