“War and Law” – a cycle of seminars devoted to legal issues of the military direction begins


“War and Law” – a cycle of seminars devoted to legal issues of the military direction begins

The Bar Council of the Kyiv Region together with the Volunteer Movement "Lawyers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine" is holding a seminar on February 24, 2023 from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m.: "War and Law", which should start a series of seminars devoted to legal issues of the military direction.

Speakers of the seminar will be:

1. Ryabek Evgenia . Lawyer, head of the volunteer movement "Lawyers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine", candidate of sciences, adviser to the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on legal issues.

The topic of the speech: "General information about the volunteer movement "Lawyers of the ZSU". Expropriation and alienation of property during martial law".

2. Kartashov Artem , lawyer, member of the volunteer movement "Lawyers of the ZSU". Lawyer of the NGO "Veterans Hub Odesa" and the NGO "Union of Veterans of Odesa".

The topic of the speech is "Reports of servicemen, features of submission and consideration".

3. Nataliya Feshchyk , lawyer, deputy head of the Committee on Military Law of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, member of the board of the NGO "Yuridichna Sotnia", member of the volunteer movement "Lawyers of the ZSU".

The topic of the speech "Military medical commission, problematic issues and practical aspects of their solution"

4. Nataliya Lisova , lawyer, member of the volunteer movement "Lawyers of the ZSU".

The topic of the speech: "Social benefits to military personnel."

5. Darya Panfilova , PhD. n., lawyer, head of Panfilova and Partners JSC, member of the volunteer movement "Lawyers of the Armed Forces", cooperates with the Coordination Headquarters on the treatment of prisoners of war.

The topic of the speech "Fundamentals of protection of the rights of servicemen and their families by a lawyer (legal status of persons missing under special circumstances and prisoners)"

Moderator: Oleg Chernobay, member of the Kyiv Region Bar Council.

The seminar is conducted using the ZOOM platform and will be broadcast on the YouTube network (link https://youtube.com/live/MKInPsJCMAY?feature=share )

It is not assumed that points for advanced training will be awarded for the seminar.

In the event of technical problems with the broadcast of the seminar, a link to its recording will be posted later on the page of the Kyiv Region Bar Council.

Legal news of Ukraine