Annual contributions to the self-government of the bar in 2023


Annual contributions to the self-government of the bar in 2023

The Bar Council of Ukraine adopted decision No. 135, which approved the amount of annual contributions to ensure the implementation of bar self-government for 2023-2024 .

The amount of the contribution for 2023 is set at the level of the subsistence minimum, which, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2023" dated November 3, 2022 No. 2710-IX, is 2,684 hryvnias as of January 1, 2023.

By January 31, 2023, lawyers must pay 70% of this amount, or UAH 1,878.80, to the account of the Regional Bar Council and 30% of the contribution, amounting to UAH 805.20 , to the account of the National Association of Lawyers of Ukraine.

We draw the attention of lawyers to the fact that payment must be made in exactly two payments to different accounts!!!

The Bar Council of Ukraine has established a list of categories of lawyers who may be exempted or have benefits for reducing or postponing the payment of the annual fee: persons with disabilities of the I and II groups; persons with disabilities due to war, participants in hostilities (including persons who took part in hostilities on the territories of other states); persons who participated in liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chornobyl NPP of categories I and II; persons who are forced to leave or leave their place of residence as a result of or in order to avoid the negative consequences of an armed conflict, temporary occupation and have acquired the appropriate status.

Applications for exemption, reduction or postponement of payment of the annual fee for 2023 are submitted by lawyers by December 31 of the current year.

Lawyers have the opportunity to independently generate a receipt for online payment of the annual fee in their personal account on the NAAU website.

For this you need:
1. Find your lawyer's record in the database of the Unified Register of Lawyers of Ukraine, using the search form or go to the lawyer's personal office on the NAAU website
2. Select the required lawyer profile from the proposed list
3. Generate a receipt
Contributions can also be paid by generating a receipt on the website of the Bar Council of the Kyiv region.
Legal news of Ukraine