Caution, manipulation!


Caution, manipulation!

During the past week, one of the mass media began to meticulously cover the events surrounding the reporting and election Conference of lawyers of the Kyiv region, which is scheduled for February 19.

For the period of January 23-25, 2022, articles with the following titles were published:

  • "Chairman of the Bar Council of the Kyiv Region Boyko rudely humiliated another lawyer despite the prohibition of the Rules of Lawyer Ethics".
  • "Huseynova's lawyer reported that the Head of the Kyiv Region Bar Council Boyko is afraid of campaigning for Naum"
  • "Chairman of the Bar Council of the Kyiv region Boyko is afraid that if Naum is elected, "we will get not just a chief, but a Bonaparte in a red breeches."

All these news items contain manipulative, untrue (fake) information, presented without observing the standards of journalistic ethics, because:

  1. In his post on Facebook (private page), where it is written about "red breeches", Petro Boyko never once mentioned the last name "Naum" (the standard "Editorial processing of materials, including pictures, texts, titles, correspondence of the video series and text accompaniment, etc.) is violated must not falsify the content");
  2. Journalists made false conclusions about "gross humiliation" and "prohibition of the Rules of Advocate Ethics", since none of the above is established by any decision, body or person, that is, it is an assumption (the standard "Facts, judgments and assumptions must be clearly separated from each other" is violated) );
  3. The news was published with the aim of damaging the reputation of the current chairman of the Bar Council of the Kyiv region; the journalist did not ask for an official comment (the standard "Points of view of opponents, including those who have become the object of journalistic criticism, must be presented in a balanced manner" was violated).

As Petro Boyko , the head of the Bar Council of the Kyiv region, noted, "it is very unfortunate that individual candidates for the position of head of the self-governing body of lawyers resort to "dirty technologies" and force the mass media to manipulate facts and judgments, this not only beautifies them personally, but also tarnishes the honor and dignity of the whole community".

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