Certain clauses of the Regulation on the assistant lawyer are contested in court


Certain clauses of the Regulation on the assistant lawyer are contested in court

Certain clauses of the Regulation on the Assistant Advocate and the Procedure for Conducting the ERAU do not correspond to the provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Advocacy and Advocacy".

A lawsuit with this legal position was registered in the District Administrative Court of Kyiv.
In particular, the plaintiff appeals:
● mandatory completion of a special introductory training course to the profession of a lawyer's assistant at the NAAU Higher School of Advocacy,
● a list of some requirements for entering data on a lawyer's assistant in the Unified Register of Lawyers of Ukraine (clauses 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 3.6 of the Regulations),
● the amount of the contribution for supplementing the data in the Register (50 percent of one minimum wage) and others.
Thus, the court is asked to declare as illegal certain clauses of the Regulation on the assistant lawyer, approved by the RAU decision No. 113 of 09/25/2015 and the Procedure for maintaining a unified register of lawyers of Ukraine, approved by the RAU decision No. 26 of 12/17/2012.
Currently, the court is deciding the issue of opening proceedings in the case.
Legal news of Ukraine