Congratulations on the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine


Congratulations on the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

With the most sincere gratitude, pride and respect, we congratulate our defenders on the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine – a holiday that has truly become a national holiday.

Last year, at the beginning of the large-scale invasion, the Russian aggressor did not believe that our army was capable of offering such incredible resistance to the enemy. But what did they know about the centuries-old traditions of military prowess of the defenders of freedom and independence of Ukraine, about the strength of spirit of the Ukrainian warrior and about the unity of the army with the people!

This is a holiday of continuity of the heroic traditions of our people, strength of spirit and courage, self-sacrifice, a holiday of nobility possessed by true defenders, a holiday of everyone who gives their knowledge, strength, and professionalism to the defense of our state.

In a difficult time for Ukraine, our lawyers courageously and selflessly stood up to protect Ukraine from the Russian enemy, and with their indomitability, resilience and fortitude every day they hold our borders and give us the opportunity to live, work and believe in Victory!

The comfort of our homes, the peace of loved ones are in your reliable, strong hands.

We are grateful to all defenders who daily make efforts, take risks and stand for our truth, will and independence and integrity of Ukraine.

We believe in your strength and indomitability and are sincerely grateful to all servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for loyalty to the Oath, conscientious performance of military duty, courage, bravery, self-sacrifice and invincible character that you demonstrate every day.

On this day, we bow our heads to the memory of the heroes who gave their lives for Ukraine. We will always remember their feat, those who at the cost of their lives held the defense and carried our flag of victory.

Today, the military of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are an example of self-sacrifice and heroism for our youth, for every citizen of Ukraine.

On behalf of all lawyers of the Kyiv region, we wish our defenders Cossack health, strong spirit, stability in the fight against the enemy for the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine.

May the faith of Ukrainians protect you from enemy weapons, and may love for Ukraine not be exhausted even in the most difficult times!

We are proud of you!

Glory to the Armed Forces of Ukraine!

Glory to Ukraine!

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