Digest of judicial practice in the field of family law for the IV quarter of 2021 and the I quarter of 2022


Digest of judicial practice in the field of family law for the IV quarter of 2021 and the I quarter of 2022

The Family Law Committee of NAAU prepared the Digest of judicial practice in the field of family law for the IV quarter of 2021 and the I quarter of 2022.

The collection reflects the legal positions of the Supreme Court on the following issues:

– division of marital property;

– collection of alimony;

– determination of the child's place of residence;

– international child abduction;

– determining the origin of children, deprivation and renewal of parental rights;

– issuance of restrictive orders.

In addition, the digest collects the practice of the ECtHR regarding the rejection of a claim to establish paternity, taking into account the best interests of the child, as well as not taking into account the interests of a vulnerable child in terms of his health when deciding on the issue of his living with his father.

The digest also contains relevant changes to the legislation , in particular the Family Code of Ukraine regarding the increase of the minimum amount of alimony, the protection of the rights of the child and the provision of child guardianship services, etc.

You can read more about the Committee's work at the link .

The text and photos were prepared by the NAAU committee coordinator team

Legal news of Ukraine