During the war, the Council of Advocates of the Kyiv Region allocated material assistance to 28 lawyers


During the war, the Council of Advocates of the Kyiv Region allocated material assistance to 28 lawyers

Since the beginning of the Russian war against Ukraine, the Kyiv region immediately found itself in the center of events. Heavy fighting in the cities of Irpin, Bucha, Gostomel, Makariv, around the villages of Brovarsky and Vyshgorod districts led to numerous casualties among the civilian population, destruction of material resources, etc. Many lawyers and their families were left without housing and means of livelihood.

As a result , on March 20, 2022, the Kyiv Region Bar Council announced the possibility of providing material assistance to Kyiv Region lawyers who suffered as a result of the war.

As of July 1, 28 lawyers applied to RAKO and received payments ranging from UAH 5,000 to UAH 20,000.

In total, funds in the amount of UAH 460,000 were transferred.

Most often, the reasons for the appeal were complete or partial destruction of housing (lawyers from Borodyanka, Buchi, Irpinja were affected), loss of work, savings and means of livelihood.

Applications from a single mother with a request for child support, as well as from a territorial defense volunteer, who asked to resolve the issue of assistance in the purchase of ammunition and personal protective equipment for service, were also recorded.

In addition, we remind you that the Bar Council of the Kyiv region made decisions on the transfer of significant sums of money (from UAH 200,000) to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Legal news of Ukraine