Even during high-profile searches, lawyers’ rights are protected as efficiently as possible


Even during high-profile searches, lawyers’ rights are protected as efficiently as possible

On the night of July 26 and 27, a 14-hour search was conducted at several addresses at once in a high-profile case regarding accusations of one of the people's deputies of treason.

However, the working addresses of lawyers were also found at the place of investigation. Representatives of the Committee for the Protection of Guarantees of Advocacy of RAKO, although not immediately, managed to fulfill their duties as efficiently as possible.

The fact is that, unfortunately, the law enforcement officers did not, as required by law, notify the Bar Council of the Kyiv region about the conduct of investigative actions against the lawyer in advance. However, NABU could not completely ignore the law.

The representatives of the Committee for the Protection of Lawyers' Rights and Guarantees of Lawyers' Activities of NAAU, represented by V. Klochkov, O. Levadny, and A. Zakharov, were the first to go to the place of the search. They were not only the first to come to the search, but also took measures to stop it, and reported a violation of the lawyer's rights Kyiv Region to the Committee for the Protection of Guarantees of Advocacy of RAKO. And already after that, representatives of the "native" Committee ( L. Sivakov, A. Domanskyi, A. Shabelnikov, D. Zapisnyi, V. Kocherga, V. Shiposha ) promptly arrived to search all addresses at the same time and replaced colleagues from Kyiv.

In the comments to the protocol of the search by the representatives of the Committee, it was indicated that the search was conducted without advance warning of RAKO, and the court decision did not indicate that the search would be conducted at the workplaces of lawyers. This was repeatedly emphasized to the participants of the investigative actions. Therefore, even though NABU representatives forcibly entered the premises of the lawyers, the things and documents of the lawyers were not inspected or seized, which preserved the lawyer's secret.

Legal news of Ukraine