Exemption from paying the annual fee: applications are accepted from lawyers


Exemption from paying the annual fee: applications are accepted from lawyers

Lawyers who have grounds for exemption, reduction or postponement of the payment of the annual contribution to ensure the implementation of the self-governance of lawyers can submit relevant applications to the councils of lawyers by the end of the current year.

Today, December 1, the deadline for submitting such applications begins in accordance with the Regulations on Contributions for the Implementation of Bar Self-Government, approved by the RAU Decision No. 4 of February 3, 2017 (as amended).

According to clause 2.10 of this Regulation, the condition for the release, reduction or postponement of the payment of the annual fee is the financial insolvency of the lawyer, taking into account the financial/material condition, as well as other factual circumstances.

Benefits are provided for four categories of lawyers:

  1. persons with disabilities of groups I and II;
  2. persons with disabilities as a result of war, participants in hostilities (including persons who took part in hostilities on the territories of other states);
  3. persons who participated in liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chornobyl NPP of categories I and II;
  4. persons who are forced to leave or leave their place of residence as a result of or in order to avoid the negative consequences of an armed conflict, temporary occupation and have acquired the appropriate status.

Taking into account the distribution of payment of the contribution, established by Clause 2.2 of the Regulations, applications are submitted to:

  • regional bar councils – for 70% of the annual fee;
  • Council of Bars of Ukraine/National Association of Bars of Ukraine – for 30% of the annual fee.

Documents confirming the relevant status and financial situation of the applicant should be attached to the application (if submitted by e-mail, the application must be signed with an electronic digital signature).

How the Bar Councils will consider applications

Applications for the exemption, reduction or postponement of the payment of the annual fee for the provision of bar self-governance will be considered by the bar councils of the region, the Bar Council of Ukraine/the National Bar Association of Ukraine during January 2024.

The decision to release, reduce or postpone payment is made in the presence of the financial capacity of the self-governing body of lawyers, if the provision of such benefits will not create obstacles in ensuring its normal activity in accordance with the budget/directions for the use of funds for the current year.

Preference is given to persons with disabilities of groups I and II. Others – based on the more difficult material situation of the person in each specific case.

The Bar Council of the region, the Bar Council of Ukraine/National Bar Association of Ukraine may require additional information regarding the acquisition of the relevant status and the applicant’s financial situation.

Payment installments

Also, the regional bar council may grant a lawyer an installment payment of the annual fee, provided that it is paid in equal parts in the first decade of each quarter of the current year.

The decision to grant an installment payment of the annual fee is made by the regional bar council, based on a lawyer’s application submitted between December 1 and December 31 of the current year, provided there is a substantiated and documented financial inability to pay the annual fee in one payment.

We would like to remind you that payment of the annual fee for the implementation of the powers of the self-governing bodies of the bar, in accordance with the decisions of the Congress of Bars of Ukraine, the Council of Bars of Ukraine, acts of the NAAU, is a professional duty of every lawyer. Lawyers pay annual fees by January 31 of the current year.

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