Happy Advocacy Day!


Happy Advocacy Day!

Dear lawyers! We sincerely congratulate all of you on the Day of the Ukrainian Bar Association!

In these difficult times, I would like to, at least for the first time, move away from officialdom and templates and talk about our lawyer’s memory.

About the memory that preserves hundreds of articles of law, thousands of facts and tens of thousands of human stories.

About memory, which comes to the rescue at the right moment and helps save human destiny.

About the memory that will forever engrave in itself the stories about fellow colleagues who, with weapons in their hands, will protect our homes from the onslaught of orcs.

And about the memory, which, despite the huge workload, preserves warm memories of friendship and love. May it always be strong and clear.

We wish all lawyers great potential, a strong grip, prudence and a cold heart in the specifics of their work. May your labor activity be rich and complete. Health to you, development, professional growth, and our joint Victory over the enemy!

Glory to Ukraine!

Bar Council of the Kyiv region

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