Happy birthday to lawyer Oleg Chernobay!


Happy birthday to lawyer Oleg Chernobay!

The Bar Council of the Kyiv region, the entire team of employees of the Bar Council of the Kyiv region sincerely congratulate Oleh Valeriyovych Chernobay , lawyer, member of the Bar Council of the Kyiv region, active member and head of the Committee for Veterans and Social Protection of Lawyers and the Committee for Improving the Professional Qualification of RAKO Lawyers.

Dear Oleg Valeriyovych, we wish you health, optimism, happiness and goodness, a peaceful sky, luck, professional victories and successes, conquest of new horizons and heights!

We sincerely thank you for the fruitful cooperation over many years, for active participation in the development of the self-government of lawyers, for assistance in the implementation of the most daring projects!

We wish you inspiration in your work, as well as support from colleagues, partners, and friends! May you always be surrounded by positive, goal-oriented people who share your goals and help turn them into reality for the development of the Ukrainian bar!

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