In 2022, the cost of training for a lawyer will increase to UAH 19,500


In 2022, the cost of training for a lawyer will increase to UAH 19,500

In connection with the changes in the minimum wage in 2022 and the subsistence minimum, the amounts of other possible payments that lawyers or candidates for obtaining the right to practice law will have to pay will also change. In particular, the cost of training for a lawyer will increase.

As a reminder, the minimum wage in 2022, according to the Law of Ukraine “On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2022”, will be:
• from January 1 — UAH 6,500;
• from October 1 — UAH 6,700.
The subsistence minimum in 2022 per able-bodied person will be as follows:
• from January 1, 2022 — UAH 2,481;
• from July 1 — UAH 2,600;
• from December 1 — UAH 2,684.
Accordingly, in 2022, not only the size of the annual contribution will increase.
Thus, lawyers will have to pay UAH 3,250 (50% of the minimum wage) for registering data on a lawyer’s assistant and entering them into the Unified Register of Lawyers of Ukraine. These payments are distributed in the same way: 70% to the Bar Council of the region (2,275 UAH), 30% to NAAU (975 UAH).
Registration of an assistant in October 2022 and later will cost UAH 3,350 (UAH 2,345 for the regional council, UAH 1,005 for the NAAU).
The same amount of payments is provided for supplementing the data on the intern at ЕРАУ.
The cost of training for a lawyer will be UAH 19,500 at the beginning of the year and UAH 20,100 at the end. The fee for the internship is set in the amount of three minimum wages at the time of the start of the internship.
At the same time, the funds are distributed as follows:
• 70%, or UAH 13,650 from January 1, 2022, to the internship supervisor;
• 20%, or UAH 3,900, to the regional bar council;
• 10%, or UAH 1,950, — NAAU.
We will remind you that in 2022 the annual fee for the implementation of self-government by lawyers will amount to UAH 2,481.
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