June 6, 2022 – Webinar on “Small Arms for Civilians: Acquisition and Permits During Martial Law”


June 6, 2022 – Webinar on “Small Arms for Civilians: Acquisition and Permits During Martial Law”

The Civil Law and Procedure Committee of the Bar Council of the Kyiv region invites lawyers to participate in a webinar on the topic: "Small arms for civilians: acquisition and obtaining permits during martial law" .

The webinar is devoted to the issue of the choice and purchase of small arms by civilians for self-defense, as well as the peculiarities of issuing permits for the purchase, storage and carrying of rifled, smooth-bore firearms during the legal regime of martial law.

Date: June 6, 2022 (Monday)

Start: 19:00

Venue: online . The viewing link will be sent just before the event starts.

Participation in the event is FREE! The number of participants may be limited.

The event is not accredited by NAAU, points will not be awarded.

Organizer of the event: Committee on Civil Law and Procedure of the Bar Council of the Kyiv Region

Registration link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdvvLmp0JyFQHrxD9bSUxcnx8vrfQIAk05-G_bjQ-4mWXhX5g/viewform

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