Lawyers of the Kyiv region who suffered from hostilities can apply for financial assistance


Lawyers of the Kyiv region who suffered from hostilities can apply for financial assistance

Since the beginning of the Russian war against Ukraine, the Kyiv region immediately found itself in the center of events. Heavy fighting in the cities of Irpin, Bucha, Gostomel, Makariv, around the villages of Brovarsky and Vyshgorod districts led to numerous casualties among the civilian population, destruction of material resources, etc. Many lawyers and their families were left without housing and means of livelihood.

As a result, the Bar Council of the Kyiv Region announces the provision of assistance to Kyiv Region lawyers who suffered as a result of military actions.

First of all, financial assistance is provided:

To lawyers and (or) members of their families who died as a result of hostilities on the territory of Kyiv region from February 24, 2022

To lawyers and (or) members of their families who received serious injuries as a result of hostilities on the territory of Kyiv region from 24.02.2022

To lawyers and (or) members of their families who have completely lost their housing as a result of hostilities in the territory of Kyiv region since 24.02.2022, which served as a place of permanent residence, in the event that it is impossible to continue living in it due to a significant degree of destruction and the absence of other habitable housing.

Single lawyers over the age of 70 who are unable to evacuate or are evacuated but have no means of subsistence.

Second, financial assistance is provided:

To lawyers and (or) members of their families, whose housing was partially destroyed as a result of military actions and needs to be restored with the possibility of further residence.

Lawyers and (or) members of their families who received moderate injuries as a result of military actions

To lawyers who are single parents and have no means of livelihood due to the start of hostilities from 24.02.2022 and in the absence of income.

Thirdly, financial assistance is provided:

To lawyers and children of lawyers who need constant administration of vital medicines and do not have the means to purchase such medicines.

In order to receive material assistance, lawyers who suffered as a result of military actions in the territory of Kyiv region can apply with an application in an arbitrary form to the e-mail address kioblrada@ ukr. net. It is recommended (if possible) to attach documents and /or information (including photos) to the application to confirm the facts stated in the application.

Legal news of Ukraine