RAU made a decision regarding the validity of the reasons for lawyers not appearing in court


RAU made a decision regarding the validity of the reasons for lawyers not appearing in court

On November 17, 2022, at a meeting of the Bar Council of Ukraine, a decision was made regarding the validity of the reasons for the non-appearance of lawyers to participate in court hearings during the consideration of cases, investigative actions and other jurisdictional procedures during martial law.

"Non-arrival of a lawyer when summoned to a court or other authorities, as well as termination of his participation in relevant jurisdictional procedures, if this is due to the consequences of war (air alarm, lack of electricity, impossibility of using transport, missile or other armed damage to the territory where the lawyer is located and/or the relevant body, as well as the occupation of the specified territory, etc.) constitutes a valid reason for the lawyer's failure to appear at the court session," the decision of the RAU states.

This decision of the Bar Council of Ukraine will be sent to the Council of Judges of Ukraine, heads of courts and law enforcement agencies.

Legal news of Ukraine