Results of the VKDKA meetings on January 31 and February 1, 2022


Results of the VKDKA meetings on January 31 and February 1, 2022

January 31 and February 1, 2022 at the address: Kyiv, str. Meetings of the Higher Qualification and Disciplinary Commission of the Bar (hereinafter – VKDKA) were held on the 3rd, 6th floor of Borysoglibska Street. Parties appeared at the meeting for 13 complaints.

Based on the results of consideration of 53 complaints against the decisions, actions and inaction of the KDKA of the regions, the members of the commission adopted:
2 – the decision regarding the passing of the qualification exam, of which:
● 1 – decision to cancel the decision of the KDKA and refer the case for a new consideration to the relevant KDKA of the region with an obligation to take certain actions;
● 1 – the decision to leave the complaint unsatisfied, and the decision of the KDKA — unchanged.
30 – decisions regarding disciplinary proceedings, of which:
● 17 – decisions on leaving complaints unsatisfied, and decisions of the KDKA — unchanged.
● 3 – decision to cancel the decision of the KDKA and refer cases for a new consideration to the relevant KDKA of the region with the obligation to take certain actions;
● 8 – decisions on annulment of the decision of the KDKA and adoption of a new decision;
● 1 – decision to change the decision of the KDKA;
● 1 – decision on complaints about the actions and inaction of the KDKA of the regions.
Also, 3 decisions were made to refuse to suspend the decision of the KDKA of the region, 1 protocol decision was made, and consideration of 17 complaints was postponed.
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