Search requests will be sent to the VAKS in e-format


Search requests will be sent to the VAKS in e-format

On December 1, the High Anti-Corruption Court started operating the information and telecommunications system of pre-trial investigation (iCase).

From now on, VAKS will accept requests for permission to search a person’s home or other possessions from NABU detectives and SAP prosecutors in electronic format.

After the completion of system testing, adjustment of integration and data exchange processes, construction of secure communication channels and development of technical capabilities, it will be possible to exchange materials of criminal proceedings in the specified category of requests between NABU, SAP and VAKS in a few seconds.

This will significantly save resources, in particular time, material and technical needs for processing and storing documents.

In the future, the development and improvement of the iCase system continues, so that in the near future the defense side will be able to participate in the technical capacity of working with electronic materials of criminal proceedings at all stages of its implementation.

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