The Bar Association of Ukraine adopted the development strategy as a basis


The Bar Association of Ukraine adopted the development strategy as a basis

On February 8, representatives of the Ukrainian Bar Association discussed their development strategy online. It was presented by Volodymyr Vikhlyaev.

As a result of active discussion, it was adopted as a basis. The participants discussed the goals, tasks, mission and ways of implementing the strategy:
● measures;
● projects;
● institutional development;
● partnership and cooperation;
● development of grants;
● legislative activity;
● restyling;
● digitization;
● incentives and rewards.
After a preliminary discussion, the Bar Association of Ukraine will present an award to lawyers who during the year made a significant contribution to the development and raising the prestige of the bar and the SAU. Currently, a working group has been appointed to take over the planning of this event.
The periodical from the SAU became a controversial moment, because the participants did not reach a consensus. Therefore, this issue will be refined and accepted.
The participants also paid special attention to establishing cooperation on barter terms with:
  • by marketing agencies for the purpose of developing the website and official pages in social networks;
  • IT specialists for the purpose of creating an application;
  • by the Ministry of Digital Transformation for the purpose of introducing SAU content into the Diya application;
  • mass media;
  • educational institutions (including foreign ones) for the purpose of holding joint events;
  • international clusters to promote their development in Ukraine;
  • authorities and local self-government bodies.
The experts analyzed all of the above in detail and gave a positive assessment. Of course, changes will still be made to the strategy, but the primary basis for determining the further movement of the self-propelled guns has already been created. In the near future, we can expect an intensification of the work of the SAU, in particular, you can follow through the official pages, which will be filled with content.
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