The Charity Fund of the Lawyers of the Kyiv region received help from foreign colleagues: generators, lanterns and a “house on wheels”


The Charity Fund of the Lawyers of the Kyiv region received help from foreign colleagues: generators, lanterns and a “house on wheels”

The work of BO "CHARITY FUND FOR ASSISTANCE TO LAWYERS OF KYIV" is becoming more and more active.

The other day, the Charitable Fund received another aid from the lawyers of Poland and France. Our foreign colleagues handed over 6 generators along with solar panels, solar lamps and headlamps. But most importantly, a real "home on wheels" (car trailer) was delivered, which will be handed over to lawyers who completely lost their homes during the Russian invasion.

A real ambassador of defenders of Kyiv region – attorney Pavlo Lutsyuk – played a huge role in the organization and logistics of this assistance for the Fund. The Chairman of the Bar Council of the Kyiv Region , Petro Boyko , and the Director of the Charitable Fund , Mykola Zamkovenko, expressed their gratitude to their European colleagues for providing assistance.

We will remind you that the Supervisory Board of the Charitable Fund will deal with the distribution of aid. Nevertheless, lawyers who need the items listed above can already apply to the Fund.

The fund was established by the Bar Council of the Kyiv region and carries out its charitable activities on the basis of legality, humanity, community of interests and equal rights of participants, transparency, voluntariness and self-government. The criteria for the allocation of aid will be based on documentary evidence, and the corresponding reports on the use of funds will be as public as possible and available to the general public (to be published on the website of the Bar Council of the Kyiv region).

In order to carry out its activities, the Foundation has the right to attract voluntary contributions and donations from both Ukrainian and foreign individuals and organizations (in the form of cash receipts in both national and foreign currencies, property, etc.).

We invite the lawyers of the Kyiv region to support our colleagues who have suffered.

Legal news of Ukraine