The search permits will reach the USSR only in a year – the project


The search permits will reach the USSR only in a year – the project

Resolutions on search warrants or other investigative actions too quickly enter the relevant register. After all, they immediately become open to those who have full access to such a registry.

In order to prevent information leakage, People's Deputy Denys Maslov registered the project "On Amendments to the Law "On Access to Court Decisions" ( No. 7033 ). In this way, it is proposed to prevent the disclosure of pre-trial investigation information.
If such a law is adopted, resolutions on permission to search a person's home or other possessions, on refusal to grant a request for a search, on permission to conduct an undercover investigative (search) action, or refusal to do so will enter the Unified State Register of Court Decisions only after a year from dates of their production and signing.
Thus, the aforementioned decisions will not be seen not only by ordinary citizens, but also by all bodies that have full access to the EDSRSR — judges, the Supreme Council of Justice, the State Bureau of Investigation, the Office of the Prosecutor General, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau, the Security Service and other bodies that have or seek to obtain such access.
"Such a legislative initiative eloquently testifies that the problem of disclosure really exists. But will this bill help her completely solve it?" — comments on the initiative, managing partner of JSC Credence, Doctor of Law. Vasyl Farinnyk.
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