Weapons will be registered electronically


Weapons will be registered electronically

The order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine "On the approval of the Regulation on the functional subsystem "Unified Weapons Register" of the unified information system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs" dated January 10, 2022 No. 2 entered into force.

The approved Regulation covers the following items: firearms, their main parts and ammunition for them, cooled, neutralized, pneumatic weapons with a caliber of more than 4.5 millimeters and a bullet velocity of more than 100 meters per second, melee weapons, devices for firing cartridges equipped with rubber or metal projectiles of non-lethal action similar in their properties, and the specified cartridges, as well as gas pistols and revolvers and cartridges for them of caliber 6, 8 and 9 millimeters, charged with substances of lachrymatory and irritating action.
  • information about objects (including their technical condition and firing) and explosive materials, their photographs, as well as electronic copies (photocopies) of documents issued by the conformity assessment bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine or the Expert Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine;
  • information about changes to items made in the process of processing or repair (including electronic copies (photocopies) of documents that are created during such actions);
  • information about individuals and legal entities provided by them in accordance with the procedure established by law (including the unique number of an entry in the Unified State Demographic Register for individuals (if available));
  • information about storage locations of objects and explosive materials;
  • documents (including electronic copies of paper documents) provided by individuals and legal entities on matters related to the circulation of objects and handling of explosive materials;
  • decisions and other documents (including their electronic copies) adopted (issued) by the authorized persons of the entities of the ЕРZ, related to the circulation of objects and explosive materials;
  • information about the facts of theft and loss of objects and explosive materials (including electronic copies, photocopies of documents that are created during such actions).
Legal news of Ukraine