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If there are elements of criminal offenses provided for by articles 342 and/or 345 of the Criminal Code, the court must make sure that the police acted lawfully and that the measures were necessary and proportionate

In order to draw a not always obvious boundary between resistance within the meaning of Art. 342 of the Criminal Code and actions caused by reflex reactions or self-defense, the court must take into account not only the fact of physical influence

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Criminal liability for the malicious failure to fulfill the duties of caring for a child or a person for whom guardianship or guardianship has been established occurs in the event of an intentional act both in the form of action and in the form of inactio

Liability under Art. 166 of the Criminal Code is imposed for malicious non-fulfilment by parents, guardians or custodians of the duties established by law to care for a child or a person for whom guardianship or guardianship has been established,

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