Protection of the rights of lawyers of the Kyiv region takes place “in any weather”


Protection of the rights of lawyers of the Kyiv region takes place “in any weather”

On February 17, 2022, the Kyiv Region Bar Council received a notification about conducting investigative actions on several lawyers at once the next day. Representatives of the Committee for the Protection of Guarantees of Advocacy of the Kyiv Region Bar Council were supposed to leave for the search site at 6:30 a.m.

Thanks to the coordinated work of the Committee, the new chairman of the Committee, Leonid Sivakov , and the member of RAKO, Dmytro Dmytrenko , lawyers Vasyl Skolskyi, Vasyl Kocherga, and Oleksandr Shirokovskyi went to the meeting place with the investigators (the searches were conducted by the same group).

As a result, Vasyl Skolskyi went to the village of Sviatopetrivskyi, which is near Kyiv, and Vasyl Kocherga and Oleksandr Shirokovskyi – to the city of Buchi (on Lisova St. 1-B).

And only after arriving in Sviatopetrivskyi "suddenly it became clear" that no search of the lawyer's premises or workplace would take place there, and the representative of the Council was waiting in Kyiv on the street. Akhmatova, 13. Such forgetfulness of the investigators cannot be called anything other than provocation.

However, the Bar Council of the Kyiv region quickly got their bearings and sent another representative of the Committee to the "new" place of search – lawyer Andriy Orlov (he was later joined by V. Skolskyi).

The situation was saved by the fact that D. Pilypenko , a representative of the Committee for the Protection of the Rights of Lawyers of the NAAU, was already present on Akhmatova Street (the investigators warned them "correctly", at the same time well understanding that it was the representatives of the regional council who should come). However, in this case, it is important that thanks to the harmonious coordination of actions between the head of the RAKO Committee L. Sivakov and the head of the NAAU Committee V. Klochkov , the lawyer was not without the support of his colleagues for a moment.

Representatives of the Committee for the Protection of Guarantees of Advocacy performed their duties clearly and professionally, as the searches were (predictably) conducted with numerous violations. In particular, in the city of Bucha, a mobile phone (which contained attorney's secrets) was seized from a lawyer, as well as seals of legal entities that were not specified in the court decision. Representatives of the Committee submitted written objections to the search protocols.

If any of the law enforcement officers thought that they would be able to easily manipulate the issues of protection of the rights and guarantees of advocacy through the reorganization of the RAKO Committee for the Protection of the Rights of Advocates, then they were gravely mistaken.

For the Bar Council of the Kyiv region, the protection of the rights of lawyers is always a priority.

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