RAU suspended the three-year validity period of the qualification exam certificate during martial law


RAU suspended the three-year validity period of the qualification exam certificate during martial law

The course of the three-year period of validity of the certificate of completion of the qualification exam is suspended for the duration of martial law in Ukraine.

The relevant decision No. 134 was adopted by the Bar Council of Ukraine on November 16-17, 2022, which amended the Regulation on the organization and procedure of training for a person to obtain a certificate of the right to practice law. The decision of the RAU applies only to persons whose three-year validity period of the qualification exam certificate expires between February 24, 2022 and the end of martial law.

We will remind you that earlier the Bar Council of Ukraine simplified the requirements for passing the qualifying exam for the period of martial law in Ukraine. Corresponding changes were made to the Procedure for admission to the qualifying exam for acquiring the right to practice law in Ukraine on March 25 during the RAU meeting. In particular, RAU temporarily allowed admission to take qualifying exams without providing a certificate of criminal record and documents on proficiency in the Ukrainian language.

Legal news of Ukraine