The Committee for the Protection of Advocates’ Rights establishes new work standards


The Committee for the Protection of Advocates’ Rights establishes new work standards

Last week, another meeting of the Committee for the Protection of Lawyers' Rights of the Bar Council of the Kyiv Region was held, which is entrusted with the authority to process statements regarding the violation of the rights of lawyers and to prepare relevant appeals to state authorities, including law enforcement agencies.

Consideration of the issues on the agenda, at the suggestion of the Chairman of the Committee Andrii Hrubskyi , began with listening to the National Anthem, paying tribute to Ukraine's current struggle for independence. Moreover, the vast majority of Committee members are currently active participants in hostilities.

After all, even among the two new members of the Committee who were accepted into its composition that day, one is a veteran of the Ukrainian-Russian war. The new members of the Committee were accepted to the ranks of the "advocate advocates" unanimously, as they were given excellent recommendations, and they themselves volunteered to actively participate in the work.

During the report on the work performed for the period from 01.06.2023 to 01.09.2023, Deputy Chairman of the Committee Andrii Lakusha reported that the work on processing applications is on time, but it is worth strengthening the work of the information and communication component of the Committee, because the number of such appeals is relatively small. Perhaps this is connected with the fact that the lawyers of the Kyiv region are used to turning to RAKO exclusively in cases of conducting searches or other investigative actions against them.

However, violations of lawyers' rights often occur both in cases of identification with the client and during court hearings, that is, always when there is opposition to the lawyer due to his professional activity.

Therefore, in order to popularize the capabilities of the Committee, it was decided to develop a relevant Memorandum, which will be sent both to all interested lawyers in an online format, and will be provided to young lawyers during their entry into the profession.

At the same time, the members of the Committee agreed that it is also necessary to introduce new work standards in relations with law enforcement agencies. For example, through conducting joint seminars on preventing violations of lawyers' rights.

In turn, the seminars on the topics "Violation of the rights of lawyers during martial law" and "Prevention and prevention of violation of the rights of lawyers" etc. will definitely be useful for novice lawyers. The search for suitable lecturers for the mentioned educational events is already underway.

In the end, since the Committee is seriously preparing to scale up its activities, it was not superfluous to consider the initiative of the Chairman of the Committee to create its own logos and badges. Sketches have not yet been approved, but work in this direction is already underway.

However, the most interesting and relevant result of the Committee's meeting was the decision to refer to the Bar Council of the Kyiv region an appeal regarding the creation of a new specialized Committee on Systematic Assistance to Lawyers-Military Servicemen. Among the priority tasks of such a Committee is the creation of the Register of soldiers-lawyers of the Kyiv region who died while performing their duties for the defense of Ukraine, the formation of a database on urgent material and organizational issues that need to be resolved by military service lawyers.

The report on this issue was submitted by a member of the Committee, a soldier of the 79th ODSHB , Dmytro Moroz , who will be nominated for the post of chairman of the newly created Committee in case of a positive decision on this issue.

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