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The Labor Law Committee of NAAU has prepared notes for lawyers on the organization of labor relations during martial law
The Labor Law Committee of NAAU has prepared three memos on the peculiarities of the organization of labor relations during martial law for lawyers

The conditions for opening bankruptcy proceedings for the period of martial law will be simplified
At the same time, the officials of the Ministry of Justice say, to date, the legislation does not provide a direct rule for entering the bankruptcy procedure for those who lost their business or housing in connection with the war

The SSC recommends simplifying the recognition of the qualifications of Ukrainian lawyers in Europe
The Standing Committee of the Council of Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) approved Reko&a

Procedural abuses during the implementation of judicial protection under martial law — recommendations of a lawyer
Most often, the debtor's manipulations in court with concepts such as "critical infrastructure enterprise" and arguments about his assistance to the army and volunteer activities were noticed.

The Supreme Court provided additional justification for its conclusion regarding the judicial immunity of the Russian Federation in the case of compensation for damage caused by the aggressor state
The judicial immunity of the Russian Federation cannot be applied in view of its violation of the state sovereignty of Ukraine, and therefore it is not an exercise by Russia of its sovereign rights protected by judicial immunity

Inheritance during the war

Media review: Electronic signature in wartime

Military transformations of the Communist Party of Ukraine
Entering information into the EDPR, conducting and recording investigative actions under martial law conditions

The Supreme Court clarified the conditions under which causing death and minor injuries is considered committed in a state of self-defense
The accused fought off two assailants, as a result of which one of them died and the other suffered minor injuries.

The conclusion by the donee of a fictitious donation contract, by which the gifted thing was alienated, does not prevent its return in kind at the request of the donor
An invalid deed does not create legal consequences for the parties, except those related to its invalidity.

The testimony of witnesses and joint photos alone cannot be the basis for establishing the fact of living together as one family without marriage registration

Application of ECtHR practice in national judicial practice. Criminal aspect.
A webinar was held at the Higher School of Advocacy on the topic: "Application of ECtHR practice in national judicial practice: criminal aspect." The lecturer was Babanly Rasim, Head of the Department of Analytical and Legal Wor

Reimbursement of costs incurred in the case, namely, relocation within the city limits, is not provided for by the procedural law
Reimbursement of expenses related to moving within the city limits is not provided for by the procedural law.

When identification by photographs is completely admissible evidence, explained VS
The only criterion for declaring evidence inadmissible is obvious inadmissibility, which consists in the absence of doubt that the Criminal Procedure Code has been violated.

Reimbursement of the party’s expenses not related to the execution of procedural actions is not provided for in a minor case
The borrower requests reimbursement of the costs incurred by him, which are not related to the execution of procedural actions necessary for consideration of the case at the stage of appeal proceedings in a minor case.

NAAU and the Department for the Execution of Criminal Punishments signed a Memorandum of Cooperation
The National Association of Lawyers of Ukraine and the Department for the Execution of Criminal Punishments under the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine concluded a Memorandum of Cooperation.

Results of the VKDKA meetings on January 31 and February 1, 2022
On January 31 and February 1, 2022, meetings of the Higher Qualification and Disciplinary Commission of the Bar were held.

Provocation of a crime: in which case liability arises for providing an unlawful benefit to an official
Incitement occurs when the relevant law enforcement officers or persons acting on their instructions go beyond passive investigation.

Court costs related to the consideration of the case in the administrative court are not losses or damages in the sense of the Central Committee of Ukraine
Court costs in an administrative case, in particular, related to the execution of other procedural actions or preparation for the consideration of the case, the costs of the parties and their representatives, related to arriving at the court, a b