“You can resist even on scorched earth”, – French lawyers to their colleagues from the Kyiv region
On March 20, 2023, representatives of the Kyiv Region Bar Council met with French lawyers.
On March 20, 2023, representatives of the Kyiv Region Bar Council met with French lawyers.
The next professional development seminar on the topic "Disciplinary responsibility", the speaker of which will be lawyer V.A. Polishchuk, is scheduled for 31.03.2023
Each solution contains a link to the corresponding translation of the extract in the overview
The seminar is conducted using the ZOOM platform and will be broadcast on the YouTube network
The review reflects the important legal conclusions of the Civil Court of Cassation as part of the Supreme Court, formulated during the consideration of cases regarding the appeal of decisions of arbitration courts and the granting of permission
Whether the effect of the Order will be suspended for 2023 has not yet been announced
January 31, 2023 is the deadline for payment of contributions for the current year, determined by the Regulation on contributions to ensure the implementation of self-governance by lawyers.
A huge role in the organization and logistics of this assistance for the Fund was played by the real ambassador of defenders of Kyiv region – lawyer Pavlo Lutsyuk
To participate in the conference, it is necessary to send an application by e-mail by April 15, 2023
The report was designated as a separate short story in the field of intellectual property
According to the authors, today, more than ever before, the question of the relevance of mediation arises, which will allow everyone to look at the world in a different way, as well as be better prepared to effectively solve the problems that a l
The review contains the most important legal positions and conclusions from criminal and criminal procedural law, which will be important for the formation of the unity of judicial practice.
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