The profile committee of RAKO and RDA of the capital’s Podil district created a joint working group to document war crimes
It was also decided to organize a consultation point for victims of enemy bombing.
It was also decided to organize a consultation point for victims of enemy bombing.
A warrant for the provision of legal assistance is a written document certifying the attorney's authority to provide legal assistance
In March 2022, the Kyiv Region Bar Council established a Committee on Interaction with the Military Administration, Law Enforcement Bodies, and the Judicial System to ensure the protection of the civilian population under martial law.
Expenses for the services of lawyers cooperating with the BPD system have received the status of protected budget expenses.
The following schedule will be established for the period of martial law: every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Being kind, sharing, caring for the weak are the virtues of true defenders.
In order to receive material assistance, lawyers who suffered as a result of military actions in the territory of Kyiv region can apply with an application in an arbitrary form to the e-mail address
A lawyer is not just a defender in court proceedings, but first of all, a defender of the Motherland.
At 09:00 an extraordinary meeting of the Bar Council of Ukraine was held online.
In this difficult time, we must all consolidate and provide reliable support for each other and the Ukrainian Armed Forces
In such a case, the court qualifies criminal offenses under one article or part of an article of the Special Part of the Criminal Code and assigns the punishment provided by its sanction, and determines the final punishment according to the rules
Is compensation subject to recovery from the MTSU separately for each minor child of the injured person.
The company (plaintiff) appealed to the commercial court with a claim to the National Agency of Ukraine for identification, search and management of assets obtained from corruption and other crimes (defendant) to declare the purchase agreement in
Possible violations in the adoption of such a decision are not classified by the criminal procedural law as unconditional grounds for its cancellation, and the significance of such violations must be assessed in each specific case.
The guilty can be sent behind bars for 10 years.
On February 18, 2022, the International Conference "International Law in National Judiciary" was held, organized by the Supreme Court together with the Ukrainian Association of International Law with the technical support of the
The accused doused the victim with gasoline and set her on fire, but then began to extinguish the flames, as a result of which she also received burns on her hands.
If a person filed a claim with the court to collect from the insurer the damage caused as a result of committing a crime, provided for in Art. 286 of the Criminal Code, then she exercised the appropriate will, choosing at her own discretion one o
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